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Horus or Her, Heru, Hor, Har in Ancient Egyptian, is one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities who served many functions, most notably god of war, kingship and the sky. He was worshipped from at least the late prehistoric Egypt until the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Roman Egypt.
Physical Appearance[]
Powers & Abilities[]
- Transformation: Like all the Egyptian gods, Horus is able to transform into a man-beast hybrid with metal instead of flesh. In Horus' case, his form is humanoid with the head and wings of a falcon, colored gold and silver, with plasma blue colored eyes. The transformation can be full or minus the head and wings, leaving his normal head visible, but when fully transformed, he makes the sound of a falcon instead of speech.
- Flight: With the transformation into his godly form, Horus is able to sprout gold and silver-colored wings, otherwise identical to falcon wings except for their size and composition, which enable him to fly. He can move at great speed in the sky, even to the point where he can break the sound barrier.
- Superhuman Strength: Like all other gods, Horus is tremendously strong and has demonstrated this on many occasions.
- Immortality: As a God, Horus is immortal and can potentially live forever if not killed.
- Superhuman Durability: Horus, like other gods, is capable of withstanding a tremendous amount of physical damage and that also includes mortal based weapons. He can also withstand mortal based ailments and toxins.
- Divine Sight: Horus's divine attributes as a god lies in his eyes which has the mystical power to see everything with absolute clarity. Even Set considered Horus's eyes to be a valuable asset which he used to enhance his own power with one of Horus's eyes.
- Telescopic Vision: Horus's divine eyes can be used to see from tremendous distances where he can detect things and people miles away. He can also do this with one eye as well.
- Master Combatant: Horus is an immensely skilled and powerful warrior, he has supreme skills in all fields of combat. His Uncle Set who is an extremely powerful God and a dangerously formidable warrior had to resort to having his troops utilize the sunlight to temporarily blind him to best him in single combat while Horus was at full strength.
- Spear Proficiency: Horus is known to have a great deal of ability in both hunting and combat with a spear.
- Hand-Hand Combat: Even when without a weapon, Horus has shown proficiency in basic hand to hand combat, able to compete with an armed Dean Winchester twice.